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Thursday, February 22, 2018
By Aubrey Hord Photography
Yoga On The North Shore by Maui Photographer Aubrey Hord
When the owner of Anytime Fitness hired me to help him create portraits to feature his members, I was delighted to help. The gym selects members that they want to feature and I have the amazing opportunity to not only interview them about why they were selected to be featured but also make a portrait of them doing what they love in or out of the gym. Sometimes the gym is just the way to help them do what they love to do. For Eliza, it’s about maintaining flexibility and strength as a former yoga instructor.
As part of my Strong Women Series, I wanted to feature Eliza portrait on the blog today since she is such an inspiration to me and many others. We all gain inspiration and motivation from somewhere and for many of us living in Hawaii, it’s found outside in the natural environment. I am continually inspired creatively by what Mother Nature reveals to us on a daily basis and honored I have the opportunity to photograph my clients with gorgeous backdrops.
If you go into Anytime Fitness Pukalani, you will see my portraits of the featured gym members on the walls throughout the facility.
Congratulations to Eliza and mahalo to Anytime Fitness for supporting my small business!